SpaceBuzz is designed and developed by a team of passionate professionals: dreamers, thinkers, planners, acting persons and the bolds. First you need dreamers: people who come up with an idea. Then the thinkers – people who furher develop the plans. The acting people make sure it happens in reality. And what about the bolds? They invest their resources because they believe int he future.
In 2020, the team of enthusiastic professionals was joined by French, Italian and Hungarian professionals in order to make possible for as many children as possible to experience the Overview Effect.
Our dreamers, thinkersm designers, acting persons and bolds (not in ABC order):
The Netherlands: Zoran van Gessel, André Kuipers, HiddeHoogcarspel, Janine Geijsen, DebbieSchouten, Helen Kuipers, SanderKoenen, Oscar Snijders, Peter van Kranenburg, Victor KnaapJaukoHartveldt, Matthijs Leendertse, Laurin Ivetic
France: Audrey Korczynska Audrey Korczynska
Italy: Stefan Keim, Mayr Kirsten Stefan Keim, Mayr Kirsten
Hungary: Zentai István, Oláh Éva Mária, Komáromi Annamária, Sipos Szabina, Boross Katalin, Neusinger Lászlóné, Mészáros Péter, Schlepp Péter, Rózsa Péter, Bacsárdi László, Magyari Gábor, Sárhegyi István
SpaceBuzz was inspired by the Overview Effect, this expression was created by Frank White in 1987.